UPDATES: Visa Services for Somali Nationals | Emergency / Dedicated Helpline No. +254731900043 |

Consular Contacts

Visa: visa.nairobi@mea.gov.in

Passport/OCI/Misc: passport.nairobi@mea.gov.in | cons.nairobi@mea.gov.in

Mobile: 0731900043 (Please call between 2:30-4:30 pm only)

Ms. Namgya C. Khampa
High Commissioner and PR to UNEP & UN-Habitat

Mr. Rohit Vadhwana
Deputy High Commissioner and DPR to UNEP & UN-Habitat

Commercial Representative

Mr. Rishabh Kumar Rewar
Second Secretary (Commerce and Press) and Special Assistant to the High Commissioner
Tel: +254 20 2222567
Email: com.nairobi@mea.gov.in

comsec.nairobi@mea.gov.in (for trade queries)

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Ministry of External Affairs
Government of India